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We check our emails on a regular bases Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. Outside of these hours we are recharging our batteries with our family and making a difference in the world. We aim to respond to your enquiry as soon as possible.



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54 Garfield Avenue, Litchard, Bridgend, CF31 1QA

Anita Davies

07929 280 518 | anita@holistic-vision.co.uk


What Our Clients are Saying


I broke my ankle over 20 years ago in an accident and since then I have always had stiffness in my ankle. This has always caused me some imbalance with walking. I had one Emmett treatment from Anita, and it was amazing. I was able to walk without stiffness and difficulty for the first time in twenty years. Anita has also worked on my shoulder at the same time and made that easier for me to move also


I had a bad shoulder for over a week. It was very stiff and uncomfortable. Within less than five minutes Anita freed it. I just kept saying “What did you do to me? I have had this for a week and now it’s gone!”. I still can’t believe how a few movements on my body enabled me to lift my arm up to my ear. I would recommend Anita, she is very good.


I had a lot of treatments from Anita for my knee and my back after a number of operations to replace my knee and freeze my vertebra. On each occasion she worked wonders on my knee and really helped with the healing of my back. I always go to Anita now whenever I need a top up or when I experience pain.

Mike Davies

I am Anita’s Father. I have experienced all of her therapies over the years. I can honestly say that they make a difference from helping you feel relaxed to moving pain and generally making people feel better.


Thank you, Anita, for your healing hands. I was in pain and discomfort before I went on holiday and within two days of your treatment, the pain went.

Hayley Day

For a number of years, I endured a profound Stuckness in my life.  Despite receiving talking therapies and   setting myself  small achievable goals, I still felt adhered  to the past.  Anita through gentle verbal guidance,  enabled me to Unblock my energetic systems within my physical body and to unblock the mental and emotional ties that had bound me. during the sessions, the release of negative energy allowed my mind and body to respond accordingly, Which allowed me to receive positive abundant energy.

After embarking on the emotional alignment method course, I can now say that I feel emotionally Physically reset For progressinfor progressing Towards a more purposeful and productive Future.

Thank you Anita. And I wish you well for your future career in Holistic Vision.


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